BioOffice Ultra 2008 CD-ROM Edition
by CambridgeSoft

Media: CD-ROM
System Reqs: Windows 2000, XP, Vista

BioOffice Ultra is the ultimate suite for management, analysis, and visualization of biological data. Combining the superior drawing and database capabilities of BioDraw Ultra, Bio3D Ultra and ChemINDEX with the documentation and management capabilities of E-Notebook Ultra and Inventory Pro, BioOffice is the suite for biological computing.

BioDraw Ultra provides a drawing tool for biological pathways. It includes common pathway elements (membranes, DNA, enzymes, receptors, etc.) which are built in as well as the ability to import other elements. One of the advantages of BioDraw over alternative pathways drawing tools is the integrated power of ChemDraw's chemical intelligence. BioDraw also includes a new pallet of flexible arrow tools. You can now completely customize arrows and arrowheads for use in complex biological pathways drawings. BioDraw pathways can be easily imported for use in presentations and publications.

Bio3D provides affordable building, visualization, and computation tools on the desktop. Bio3D can be used to display many types of molecular surfaces and molecular orbitals. For macromolecules, Bio3D can render cartoon depictions of proteins and nucleic acids making it possible to carry out state-of-the-art protein visualization on the desktop. The Bio3D Model Explorer allows users to fine tune the display characteristics of each building block of a protein or small molecule. These visualization capabilities have been extended to include the ability to automatically display hydrogen bonds in 3D as well as group labels for groups such as amino acid residues in the 3D view. In the new version, you can also generate and display partial surfaces for protein active sites.

E-Notebook Ultra is a configurable, structure searchable electronic lab journal. It is the efficient, accurate way to write lab notebooks entries as you work. It stores Microsoft Office documents, BioDraw and ChemDraw structures and reaction drawings, and related data in an electronic notebook you can search by text or chemical structure. One can organize pages by project, experiment, or in your own style.

Inventory Ultra is an inventory management tool that can be used to track biological, chemical and non-chemical inventory supplies. Using MSDE as the desktop database, users are given the opportunity to organize, store and search over the inventory from the desktop.

The ChemINDEX Ultra database gives the user the ability to quickly look up data such as chemical properties, biological assay results and toxicological information. ChemINDEX is a directory of over 75,000 unique chemical substances, listing chemical structure, 3D structure, registry numbers, synonyms, physical properties, and links to Internet sources of further information.